On January 26, Attikon University General Hospital held an inauguration ceremony for the new Surgical Simulation Lab that will be used in the training of general and orthopedic surgeons.
The creation of the first-ever surgical simulation lab in Greece was made possible through an exclusive grant from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) as part of the Foundation’s international Health Initiative. Specifically, SNF supported the procurement of four state-of-the-art virtual reality surgical simulators (one Lap Mentor III, one Robotix Mentor, and two Arthro Mentor IIs). In addition to training practice, the technology also allows for direct evaluation of the competence of trainees’ technical work.
The Surgical Simulation Lab began piloting trainings in March 2022 and, to date, 119 general surgeons and 102 orthopedic surgeons have been trained, performing a total of 1,125 sessions. The creation and outfitting of the Surgical Simulation Lab is part of the educational programming implemented through the SNF Health Initiative to enhance the skills of doctors, nurses, medical and nursing students, and EMS personnel.
The Surgical Simulation Lab and the educational programs on trauma are implemented by the nonprofit Regeneration & Progress in collaboration with NKUA, under the scientific supervision of the 1st Orthopedic Surgery Clinic and the 3rd & 4th University Surgery Clinic of Attikon Hospital.
The trainings are provided free of charge to interested general surgeons and orthopedic surgeons through an exclusive five-year grant from SNF. The Lab is housed in the Attikon Building of NKUA’s Medical School (AKISA) near the University General Hospital Attikon.
Interested surgeons can book sessions here.