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08 July 2024

At the end of June, 79 students from Greece’s National School of the Judiciary attended a two-day educational program held in Athens and Thessaloniki. The program, implemented by the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Initiative (CAMHI), involves developing nationwide training programs for judiciary professionals on psychosocial issues at play among children and adolescents to equip those professionals to better understand and respond to these issues when they encounter them in the course of their work.

The training sessions covered a variety of topics, including issues related to child abuse and neglect, high-conflict divorce, and custody disputes, as well coordination between mental health services and judicial officers. In the next stage of the program, the collaboration between the National School of the Judiciary and CAMHI will continue with the development of a full training program designed according to the needs and purview of judicial professionals in Greece.

CAMHI Director Dr. Anastasia Koumoula, CAMHI member Efi Kapsimali, and CAMHI Thessaloniki Hub leaders Lillian Athanasopoulou and Nikos Zilikis participated in the training sessions as rapporteurs. Eirini Paraschou, a member of CAMHI in Thessaloniki, moderated the training presentations.

The Child & Adolescent Mental Health Initiative training program is implemented in collaboration with the Child Mind Institute with exclusive support from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) as part of its Global Health Initiative (GHI).