The program offers the following seminars:
- Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) and Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS): seminars in the management of polytrauma in adult and pediatric patients for final-year medical students and recent medical graduates
- Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses (ATCN): seminars in the management of polytrauma for final-year nursing students and graduates
- Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS): seminars in the management of trauma for ambulance rescuer crews, nurses, and doctors serving in Greece’s National Center for Emergency Care (EKAV) as well as in primary health care facilities
- Hands on Cadaver Course (HOCC): seminars in surgical anatomy, management of fractures, and contusive trauma for specialist orthopedists and seminars
- Scrub Nurses Training: seminars to augment the skills of surgical nurses.
Further, on the basis of collaboration between R&P and NKUA, this program has supported the design of the Surgical Simulation Lab, which aims to develop and improve the skills of medical students, general surgeons and orthopedists, through the use virtual reality, as well as the Bioskills Surgical Lab. After the grant concludes, the Lab will be permanently installed at NKUA and an in-depth training program will be offered for physicians at hospitals across Greece. Finally, the Trauma Management program is implementing Trauma Fellowships at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital’s Trauma Directorate training center in South Africa for physicians specializing in General Surgery and Orthopedics.
Relevant legislation:
• Greek law no. 4568/2018, as subsequently amended
• Greek law no. 4655/2020