The five-year training program on intensive care was approved as part of SNF’s global relief initiative for the COVID-19 pandemic. This program is implemented by the THORAX Foundation under the supervision of ODIPY, with a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two institutions in July 2021. The program will cover a wide range of basic as well as specialized training requirements for doctors and nurses, both in intensive care units and related specialties and specializations, including the following courses:
- Basic Assessment & Support in Intensive Care (BASIC) seminars for doctors and nurses
- ILS (Immediate Life Support) seminars for doctors and nurses
- Instructor training for BASIC seminars
- Instructor training for ILS seminars
- Participation of specialized and qualified ICU specialists in ESICM-certified (European Society of Intensive Care Medicine) seminars on specialized intensive care medicine topics
Procurement of the medical equipment required for the trainings has been concluded, with delivery expected in early summer 2022, and trainings are anticipated to start in July 2022.
Relevant legislation:
• Greek law no. 4568/2018, as subsequently amended
• Greek law no. 4702/2020