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The SNF GHI is supporting the Greek Infection Prevention Program (GRIPP-SNF), a five-year (2021 to 2026) program delivering training to health care workers across Greece on basic and advanced principles of infection prevention and control and working across ten of the country’s largest public hospitals with the goal of improving prevention and control of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Following the conclusion of the five-year grant, as laid out in the relevant legislation, the program will be scaled up through integration into the Greek public health system.

To achieve its goal of reducing hospital infections by at least 35% compared to pre-program levels within five years, GRIPP-SNF includes a comprehensive set of activities including certified nurse training, strengthening infection control committees, establishing a single electronic surveillance platform across the ten participating hospitals, and applying evidence-based strategies to reduce HAIs and AMR which have been adapted for the Greek context with the support of the US-based Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI).

Importantly, at least one additional Infection Surveillance Nurse has been hired and placed at each of the ten participating hospitals, whose positions are planned to continue beyond the life of the program. As part of their role, these nurses record hospital infection data on a continual basis in the new electronic surveillance platform, allowing for near real-time data analysis.

GRIPP-SNF is implemented by the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Outcomes Research (CLEO), working in collaboration with the National Organization for Quality Assurance in Health (O.D.I.P.Y.), the Hellenic National Public Health Organization (EODY), and NKUA’s Nursing Department through the electronic platform of the Center of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM).

Relevant legislation:
• Greek law no. 4568/2018, as subsequently amended
• Greek law no. 4655/2020